The Ideal replacement for CCTV, Alarms, Door Entry Systems), credit card machines, fax machines 

For over a century, phone calls in the UK have been handled by the public switched telephone network (PSTN). 

We are already helping businesses to make the switch, migrating customers onto modern IP phone systems that run on fibre in place of the outdated copper wires that PSTN uses.

How can my business prepare?

Many alarm systems are also connected to a company’s phone lines, and if these are still operating on legacy hardware by the time the switch off comes, they will be rendered inoperable.

Additionally, lift alarms and other points of contact in an emergency often run on PSTN and will need to be upgraded before 2025.

How it works

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Discover Baltic Ping’s Packages, Learn About it’s Features or Learn why customers decide to choose Baltic Broadband.


Ping is King

Everyone knows ping is king for smooth online gameplay. We’ve invested in our network to ensure consistently low latency – great when you need to get your shot off first.

Low Jitter

Also known as the variance in latency over time, you’ll want a figure of 10 milliseconds or less for gaming, streaming and financial transactions.

No traffic management

Some internet providers prioritise data use for certain activities during peak times. But with Baltic we do no such thing.  Baltic guarantees the routing of traffic though it’s network 24-hours a day, which is backed by a stringent service level agreement.

Low packet loss

When data gets lost in transmission your internet experience becomes jerky and annoying. But the average packet loss with Baltic is just 0.11%, which means smooth gameplay all the way.

No data limits

Unlimited usage means endless sessions with all the downloads, uploads and streams you can manage. And you’ll never have to watch the data clock!

12hr Battery Backup

A 12-hour dual UPS is included that keeps your routers and its equipment going for up to 12 hours during a power outage. Along with your internet connection, we’ll also monitor the UPS 24/7, service it and replace it’s batteries when required.

Baltic Red Connect Pricing


£ 75

per month
  • £350 Setup Fee
  • 10 Mbps Upload/Download
  • Wireless & 4G Connection
  • 60 Alerts per month
  • 12 Hour Battery Backup
  • Monitored/ Maintained 24/7
  • 24/7 Phone & Email Support
  • 100% SLA
  • 1 Static IP
  • 10 Day Lead-Time
  • 12 Month Contract
Order 100 Mbps


£ 99

per month
  • £350 Setup Fee
  • 50 Mbps Upload/Download
  • Wireless, 4G & Satellite Connection
  • 99 Alerts per month
  • Monitored/ Maintained 24/7
  • 12 Hour Battery Backup
  • 24/7 Phone & Email Support
  • 100% SLA
  • 1 Static IP
  • 10 Day Lead-Time
  • 12 Month Contract
Order 100 Mbps


£ 150

per month
  • £350 Setup Fee
  • 100 Mbps Upload/Download
  • Wireless, 4G, LorAWAN and Satellite Connection
  • 120 Alerts per month
  • Monitored/ Maintained 24/7
  • 12 Hour Battery Backup
  • 24/7 Phone & Email Support
  • 100% SLA
  • 1 Static IP
  • 10 Day Lead-Time
  • 12 Month Contract
Order 100 Mbps

All prices are plus VAT and are billed monthly in advance. Package prices have included a 50% discount when on Direct Debit. Packages are subject to survey and coverage check and lead-time is based on a standard installation type. Additional static IP addresses are charged extra. Please read the product description upon order for the full detail on these products.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you use both Wireless and Fibre together?

The speed of light in free space is about 3e8 m/s, which means that when light travels say 1km, there is a latency or time delay of 4.34 microseconds (µs).

Light traveling through optical fiber moves more slowly than in free space. For a single mode optical fiber with a refractive index of 1.4682, latency is about 5 nanoseconds per meter, or 4.9 microseconds per kilometer. Although this number is very small, over every kilometer that the light has to travel, it all add’s up to vital milliseconds that are lost in your game, financial transaction or delays in your broadcast.

Wireless is point to point and has less distance to travel from A to B.  Typically, it’s about half of the distance due to traveling “as the crow flies’ ‘ whereas fibre goes up and down streets to get to its destination.  A 1 KM Point to Point wireless connection has typical latency of around ~ 3.01 microseconds (µs). 

Imagine how powerful it is when your traffic travels down both the fibre and wireless connections simultaneously, taking the shortest route possible.

How does your core network provide low latency?

Our network is built point-to-point so that your traffic is not shared on backbones, Network to Network Interfaces or other shared infrastructure, for our Baltic ping product, it has been designed to exit our network and enter the terminating network as quickly as possible.

For Gamers, we also directly peer with the likes of Steam, Xbox server & Twitch to ensure both minimal hops and low ping times.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Baltic Broadband was one of the biggest positive impacts we could of made for our WFH workforce. Looking at yet another nationwide Virgin Media outage. This would currently be crippling out technical operations. Our office stays connected with Baltic Broadband. Whilst we see the backup line with Virgin Media, flap in the wind.

Worth every penny

Peter BrooksWushu Studios

We purchased Baltic Bulletproof for our new premises at Liverpool One. So far, we've enjoyed an excellent & stable service while knowing that Baltic are monitoring it's performance 24/7, it really give us confidence that they have our back.

Mark Beardsell, CBRE Managed Services Ltd

Our previous internet provider struggled to maintain consistent speeds and reliability and was unable to accept responsibility for repeated outages, which were only aggravated by turning off their contact center phones every time there was an issue. Baltic provided a 350Mbps (upload and download) guaranteed speed connection with 24/7 support and with both a private and guest wifi system that covers 100% of our studio space.

We’ve found the new internet connection to be a big improvement to our productivity and everyone in the studio has given good feedback. We're also really pleased with how fast the turnaround was (from order to a complete working system). Thank you Baltic for supplying us with much better overall service.

Ben McWilliamsDraw and Code

We engaged Baltic Broadband and used its Fixed Wireless Access service due to an issue with our IT company & ISP (due to an ongoing dispute) who terminated our hotel’s internet connection unexpectedly, affecting our payment/till systems, booking systems, WiFi and guests and at a time our hotel was at maximum weekend capacity.

Just 4 hours after signing their contract, Baltic Broadband rapidly deployed a 1Gbps Leased Line to our Liverpool City Centre hotel, enabling the hotel to become fully operational once again, helping to reduce operational issues and financial losses.

Ben Elder MIH, Director, Dixie Dean Hotel

Baltic installed a high speed service using the fixed wireless access product. We are very happy with the performance provided and the additional support with upgrading it (within hours) as our team has expanded. With being Wireless, we did not need to have fibre cables installed or our car park dug-up, so we are happy in many areas!

Mike Mounfield, Lu Ban Restaurant Limited

Baltic's Fixed Wireless Access Product allowed us to get up and running within a matter of days, while BT and others had a 6 month lead-time. Their 20Gbps of Internet provided us with a stable, cost effective service that was very fast and reliable.

Cream Liverpool

We've had fibre for years and regularly have at least 2 fibre breaks each year without fail. While our old provider does come out and repair it for free, the downtime to our business was severe. Since we switched to Baltic's Fixed Wireless Access product, we've had 2.3 years continual service so far without any downtime at all, despite local power cuts, 100mph winds, bad weather, heat waves and more!

Tim Ackers, Mclaren Automotive

"Baltic's installation of a wireless connection into our Liverpool City Centre offices has provided us with a much more reliable, stable and faster service than with our previous provider who was more expensive. With our new Baltic connection, I can link our studio's software to remote post-production studios at lightning speed and it's consistent, and so far so good, we are really happy with Baltic Broadband!"

Sam AugusteOnomatopoeia Post

Baltic provided our new office with a wireless connection far faster than we'd been quoted by other providers. Not only did they take the time to come out to see us and sit down to explain in layman terms how things would work, they really went the extra mile to look after us, quite a refreshing change from BT and others who treat us with contempt!

James Sergeant

Baltic Broadband really showed their strengths with getting our 500Mbps wireless leased line running in just 3 days from order, Bravo!, we are now able to complete our move far quicker than the 90 days quoted by other providers, plus I love that I'm now dealing with a local company rather than an overseas call center type operation who won't really value our business.

John BjornestadPinpoint Couriers

We are very happy with Baltic's Fixed Wireless Access product, we've had one single downtime event in 3 years (that was our own power cut) and no cause or reason to contact Baltic's support due to the fantastic uptime we've enjoyed. The business next door to us has a fibre coming into his property and has endured years of misery with the regular failures, that is, until we told him about Baltic and he's now moved over.

Sarah Roberts, Pioneer Healthcare

Baltic enabled our City Stop apartments with high speed internet, and since then, our on-line reviews have really improved, with all guests now being able to stream, do social media and even work during their stay with us. A good internet connection provided by a local company who really cares about our business is hard to come by, what a great find Baltic Broadband really was!

Andzelika AntuchaiteCity Stop Apartments

We already have fibre into our premises that acts as our main line for our 80+ office based staff. We use Baltic's Fixed Wireless product as a backup as it's a perfect technology to counter the often fibre breaks that we have on the main line. Wireless is an ideal product to use as a backup because it does not travel along the same routes as fibre, it simply comes through the air. Now we have the best of both worlds.

Large PLC in Liverpool

Baltic's installation of a wireless connection into our Liverpool City Centre offices has transformed our operation with a 1Gbps Connection. Not only was it installed within a few days, we have 8 times faster speed for half the price!

Karen Woodside, Merseyside Law Centre(Baltic customer installed March 2022 with Fixed Wireless Access Product)

Baltic set up our new Fixed Wireless Access service in record time. We've enjoyed high speeds and super reliable service all the way through.

James, Rose, St James House PLC

Fixed Wireless Access was clearly the choice when faced with months of road closures, digging up the city's streets and the pain having to deal with overseas call centres for 9+ months (with BT). One call to Baltic resulted in a 1Gbps service that was installed within 4 working days and more stable that we've ever had from any of the other providers in our other properties.

John Graham, Contract Vehicles

Baltic have been able to setup the Fixed Wireless Internet product to our premises within just a few days and for at least half the cost of the nearest competition. As we share the building with our tenants, it was also a great asset to help attract people into our space as we have Liverpool's Fastest internet already installed and waiting for them!

Rachel Bird, City Hearts

A a small business, we really struggled with getting good reliable connectivity from BT and on 4G. Based in the Liverpool City Centre, we struggled to take card payments as our internet was very slow and totally unreliable. Thanks to Baltic Broadband, we went from 4Mbps download and 700Kbps upload to 350Mbps upload and download within a matter of days, now I just need our staff to wash the cars faster! 🙂

Ali AlqasbJamaica Street Car Wash

Fantastic working with you on this one! Super quick turnaround, fantastic comms throughout!

Alexander AsheBritannia IT

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