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GDPR has been getting the spotlight and it might very well affect you.  It’s why you’ve been getting so many emails lately about websites changing and updating their privacy policies, and it’s why you should be doing the exact same thing.

Will the new changes affect my business?

If your business has a website then yes, they are and you absolutely need to change your privacy policy if you haven’t already.  The regulation was officially put into effect just two days ago and so you should be changing that policy ASAP to avoid any legal repercussions.

What should I be changing in my Privacy Policy?

As you may know, privacy policies are about as different as they can be.  Each one is specific to its own website and so is yours, so I can’t tell you exactly what you need to include but I can help to give you some tips.
  • First and foremost, be honest.  Tell users what you’re gathering data for, where you’re sending it, and why.
  • Be specific.  If you’re sending their data somewhere, anywhere, you need to have it in your policy.  You need to specify exactly what data you’re handling and which data is going where.
  • Be transparent.  Don’t try to hide anything because, frankly, it’s a bad idea.  If you’re distributing user information to a third party then you need to say that.
  • Be purposeful.  Don’t just collect all the data you can because “why not?”.   Collect only the data you need, specify that in the contract, tell users where it’s going and that’s that.
You also need to be sure that from now on any data collection MUST be consented to.  This can be through an email, a checkbox, or even a text.  As long as they confirm it and it’s legally binding, it’ll work.  What won’t work anymore is passive acceptance to the document.  In other words, people need to be informed and consent now rather than implied acceptance upon using your website. Ultimately, once you get the changes implemented, they’re unlikely to actually affect your business overall.  People still need all sorts of products and services and the vast majority of businesses out there use the same types of processes for data collection, storage, and use, so it’d be nearly impossible to find a website online that isn’t storing any of your data.  These new regulations might seem daunting at first but really not a whole lot has changed.  It’s just that now, if people read your privacy policy, they should know exactly what’s happening with any data they enter.]]>

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